
A1 Garage Doors

How To Install Garage Door Extension Springs

How To Install Garage Door Extension Springs?

How To Install Garage Door Extension Springs?



Garage door extension springs play a crucial role in balancing the weight of your garage door, allowing it to open and close smoothly. Installing these springs may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and knowledge, it’s a manageable task. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing garage door extension springs safely and effectively.


Safety Precautions:

Before you begin any work, prioritize safety. Gather the necessary safety equipment, including safety glasses, work gloves, and sturdy footwear. Additionally, ensure that your garage door opener is disconnected from power to prevent any accidental activation during the installation process.


Gather Tools and Materials:

Make sure you have all the tools and materials you’ll need for the installation:

  • New extension springs
  • Safety cables
  • C-clamps
  • Winding bars
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Socket wrench set
  • Step ladder
  • Measuring tape


Identify the Type of Springs:

There are two common types of garage door springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Extension springs run parallel to the horizontal tracks on both sides of the door. Identify if your garage door uses extension springs before proceeding.


Release Tension from Existing Springs:

If you’re replacing old extension springs, you’ll need to release the tension from them first. Use C-clamps to secure the door in place, preventing it from moving unexpectedly. Then, carefully disconnect the old springs from the track brackets and pulleys.


Remove Old Springs:

With the tension released, carefully remove the old extension springs from the track brackets. Be cautious as these springs may still hold some residual tension. Dispose of them safely, following local guidelines for handling and recycling metal components.


Install Safety Cables:

Safety cables are essential for preventing injury in case of spring failure. Thread one end of the safety cable through the spring’s center mounting bracket and secure it with a sturdy knot. Then, loop the cable through the pulley and attach the other end to the horizontal track.


Install New Extension Springs:

Begin by installing one end of the new extension spring onto the track bracket. Use an adjustable wrench to secure it firmly in place. Then, thread the other end of the spring through the pulley and attach it to the corresponding bracket on the other side of the door.


Adjust Spring Tension:

Use winding bars to adjust the tension of the new extension springs. Insert one winding bar into the adjustment hole on the spring winding cone and carefully turn it in the appropriate direction to increase tension. Repeat this process for the other spring, ensuring both sides are evenly tensioned.


Test Door Operation:

Once the springs are properly installed and tensioned, remove the C-clamps securing the door. Test the garage door’s operation by manually opening and closing it several times. Ensure that it moves smoothly and stays balanced at all positions.


Final Safety Checks:

Before calling the job done, perform a final safety inspection. Check that all components are securely attached and that there are no loose or damaged parts. Additionally, verify that the safety cables are properly installed and functioning as intended.



Installing garage door extension springs is a task that requires careful attention to detail and adherence to safety protocols. By following the steps outlined in this guide and taking the necessary precautions, you can successfully replace or install extension springs and ensure the smooth operation of your garage door. However, if you’re unsure or uncomfortable with any step of the process, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance to avoid accidents or injuries.

A1 Garage Doors is providing maintenance and installation services related to garage doors and their parts. If you’re looking for a trustworthy service by skilled technicians you can count on, give us a call at 343-309-9964 for a free quote.

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